It includes field experience through study and work terms in Canada and abroad. Technology and Health: 3 Units: Compulsory courses at the 4000 level: HSS 4101: Development and Evaluation of Health Programs: 3 Units: HSS 4102: Developmental. S. (30 course units) ECO 3152 (compulsory course) 3 course units from: MAT 2143, MAT 2324, MAT 2348, MAT 2355, MAT 2362. This integrated education prepares graduates for a challenging and rewarding career as an ophthalmic medical technologist (OMT). The courses and programs are available in Canada's two official languages, enabling both the Faculty and the University to provide you. Optional APA course 2. 3 optional course units from: ENV4001, ENV4002, ENV4910, GEG4100, GEG4128, GEG4920 or GEG4921. Summer. TRA2314. PHT 6533 Outils diagnostiques spécialisés en physiothérapie. 6 optional course units in mathematics (MAT) at the 3000 or 4000 level. Suggested course sequences for students admitted. BrokenLeftPhalange • 3 yr. Your health and wellness is a journey. Spring/Summer. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s). ORA 6522 Instrumentation en audiologie. This program is an opportunity for you to engage with and learn from both nationally and internationally renowned professors. Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff or alumnus, you can navigate and discover services and resources to learn how to take care of yourself, others, and your community. This general certificate in law comprises 30 credits (10 courses). Geology involves the study of the composition, structure and evolution of the Earth and other planetary bodies. Stat. The MPH is a course-based program with an experiential learning component (Public Health Practicum) and a culminating experience (Applied Public Health Capstone Project) which demonstrates integration and synthesis of public health skills and knowledge. Adjustments to this suggested course sequence might be required based on course scheduling or if you have been admitted with advanced standing. You can choose to gain experience working with local organizations. Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff or alumnus, you can navigate and discover services and resources to learn how to take care of yourself, others, and your community. 5 credits in advanced methods laboratory courses. Ottawa ON K1S 5S9. Students are provided with a foundational biosciences core, research analytical skills training in a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies within a broader interdisciplinary context. MAT2375 or MAT2379. NSG 5130- Development of Knowledge and Theory in Nursing as a Discipline. Master of Health Sciences in Audiology (MHSc) Master of Health Sciences in Physiotherapy (MHSc) Master of Health Sciences in Occupational Therapy (MHSc). Work/Study sequences arrow_drop_down. ca. Overview. GEO3382 or GEO3191 (Fall) 6 elective course units. ECO3153. 6 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or electives courses) CMN3102. Sciences sociales et recherche: 3 Units: SVS 2515: Méthodes d'intervention en service social: 3 Units:. : 613-562-5853 Toll free: 1-877-868-8292, ext. 3 course units in History (HIS) at the 3000 or 4000 level. Why choose uOttawa; Programs and courses; Undergraduate studies; Graduate studies; Applying to uOttawa;. NSG2717. Thesis Proposal. For more details on the courses, please refer to the course sequence. Programs are not offered in CO-OP format. CML 1101 - Legal Foundations: Research, Strategy, Analysis (1 unit) CML 1102 - Contracts (5 units) CML 1105 - Thematic course or CML 1109 - First-Year Thematic Course: Public International Law or ADM6260 & ADM 6261: Project Management (3 units) CML 1106 - Dispute Resolution and. You can take this program in English, in French or in both languages. Program Requirements. For example, you could enrol in a biology course from this list if you are studying in the Faculty of Arts. This program is offered in English and in French. 4th year. 125 University, room 232. The program consists of a core of basic science courses. ORA 5549 Stage III. It is offered in both official languages, with the English program offered in collaboration with Algonquin College. HSS1100 WC Microbiology and Immunology. Winter. Ourprogramsprovide extensive training with many internship opportunities. 6 optional course units in Philosophy (PHI) at the 3000 or 4000 level. Programs and courses;. On the following page, you will find the proposed course sequence for the Master of Science (MSc) in Epidemiology with Thesis. 3 optional course units from: SOC 2101, SOC 2103, SOC 2104, SOC 2107, SOC 2113, SOC 2151, SOC 2306, SOC 2308, SOC 2309, SOC 2312. Technical and Scientific option or Natural Sciences option (Secondary V) Note: A make-up course in Functions and/or Calculus and Vectors at uOttawa is a prerequisite to MAT 1000 level courses. CMN3109. On top of that, your final year entails an independent research project or equivalent credits in advanced courses in the specialization. The quality of teaching and the expertise of its professors contribute to our wide recognition. 75 Laurier Ave. Program Requirements. POP 8910 Scientific Paradigms in Population Health (3 units) POP 8920 Investigative Methods in Population Health (3 units) Elective (3 units) 1. Technology Entrepreneurship for Engineers and Computer Scientists. 2 nd year. Spring/Summer. Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s). ORA 6710 Concepts d'audiologie pertinents à l'orthophonie. 4 th year. 6 optional course units at the 3000- or 4000- level from the list of optional courses. 3 course units from the list of optional courses. They help you plan your course schedule. Technical and Scientific option or Natural Sciences option (Secondary V) Note: A make-up course in Functions and/or Calculus and Vectors at uOttawa is a prerequisite to MAT 1000 level courses. 3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List B at the 3000 or 4000 level. The Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing can be completed through the following paths: uOttawa program; Collaborative program with Algonquin College; Second Entry program; Bridging program for registered practical nurses; Course sequences uOttawa campus, Woodroffe campus and Pembroke campus. Ontario. Explore health and wellness Health and wellness keyboard_arrow_right On the following page, you will find the proposed course sequence for the Master of Science (MSc) in Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 4th year (30 course units) THE4190. 1. 3 optional course units in Music (MUS) at the 3000 or 4000 level 3. Suggested Course Sequence 2023 . m. Term 1. Elective: You must complete 4 courses (12 units) outside of computing (CEG, CSI, SEG, GNG 1106) and mathematics (MAT). Ottawa, ON, Canada. (30 course units) 3 course units from: FEM 4310, FEM 4320, FEM 4330. 12 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) 4th year (30 course units) 3 course units from: ART3344, ART4119, ART4900, CMN1148, THE4930. Préalable : 24 crédits de cours universitaires incluant ANP 1505, ANP 1506, ANP 1507, HSS 1500, HSS 1501, PHI 1770. 1st year. Faculty of Health Sciences keyboard_arrow_right; Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section. EISS@uOttawa. 4th year (12 units)BASc in Software Engineering (CO-OP) BASc in Software Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option (CO-OP) The course sequence you need to follow is that of the term and the year you first joined your program. HSS 2305 Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. 3 optional course units in Art History (ART) (H)2. 5853 Email: healthsc@uOttawa. The Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences program is defined by its integrative approach for studying health. HSS 2782 Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables catégoriellesA biology course or BIO 1109 at uOttawa is a prerequisite to BIO 1130 and BIO 1140. Faculty of Health Sciences keyboard_arrow_right; Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section keyboard_arrow_right;. The course sequence for Health Science says I need two science courses during second year but I'm a little confused and have two questions: Do math courses fulfill this requirement? Can I only take science courses at the 2000 level?. Course sequences; Distance option (synchronous) Master of Health Sciences in Physiotherapy (MHSc) You must meet each prerequisite requirement through a separate course. Home. PAP 3310 (compulsory course) PAP 3370 (compulsory course) 6 optional course units in public administration (PAP) 3 elective course units. HSS 2782 Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables catégorielles A biology course or BIO 1109 at uOttawa is a prerequisite to BIO 1130 and BIO 1140. Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5. EVS4010 - Field Course in Environmental Science. Cancel. TMM3103. DVM 3170 (compulsory course) DVM 3350 (compulsory course) 3 course units from: ECO 2117, ECO 2121, DVM 3140. Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5. This interdisciplinary program, offered through the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, combines basic studies from areas such as molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology and organic chemistry and adds new courses designed especially for biopharmaceutical science (BPS) students. ANP1106 PC Human Anatomy and Physiology II. Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition offered at Algonquin College - Woodroffe campus. The Outreach Office. More administration and services. MUS3307. You may adjust your course sequence as needed while respecting the course prerequisite(s). Winter. Overview. Enables understanding of the interactions and relationships between the biological determinants of health and our environments, social networks and communities. English or Français 4U. APA 2120 Motor Control and Learning. Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff or alumnus, you can navigate and discover services and resources to learn how to take care of yourself, others, and your community. ) Consult course sequences at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Students will gain theoretical and practical training. 4 To find APA optional courses (3000/4000) or APA 2000 courses. Students may be required to take up to two mathematics make-up courses at the University either the summer before or during their first year. 75 Laurier Ave. Twitter | Faculty of Health Sciences Facebook | Faculty of Health Sciences. Select where you’re applying from to learn about our admission requirements and steps to apply. The compulsory and optional Science courses and the electives can be combined to fulfill the requirements of any options offered by the University of Ottawa. APA 2114 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement. ORA 6520 Évaluation audiologique I. The discipline builds from a basic understanding of physics, chemistry, and often biology, and extends into many specialties like mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, sedimentary systems, environmental geology. This course is equivalent to COMP 5900 at Carleton University. PSY1101 WC Introduction to Psychology: Foundations. Search uOttawa. ORA 5511 Sciences de l’ouïe. First established as the College of Bytown in 1848, the University of Ottawa is now the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world. Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff or alumnus, you can navigate and discover services and resources. Learn how to promote and improve the health of individuals and populations. 3rd year (30 course units) ART31801. For the list of optional 3000-level TMM or PHS courses, please consult the program catalogue . 9 optional course units in biology (BIO), biopharmaceutical science (BPS) or environmental science (EVS), ITI 1120, BCH 3120, BCH 3125, BCH 3356, BCH 4122, BCH 4125, BCH 4188, SCI 3101 with at least 3 of the 12 optional course units at the 3000 or 4000 level. This program is an opportunity for you to engage with and learn from both nationally and internationally renowned professors. 2 Elective course (3 units) : The elective course must be. Year. Sociopolitical and Economic Perspectives in Health: 3 Units: HSS 3103: Experience of Illness, Impairment and Disability: 3 Units: Optional courses: 12 optional course units in health sciences (HSS) from the list of optional courses: 12 Units: 6 optional course units in health sciences (HSS) at the 3000 or 4000 level from the list of optional. It provides the knowledge, skills and techniques required. 3 optional course units in political science (POL) 1. The co-op difference. Elective (3 units) 1. 4th year (30 units) GEO3920. Academic year. Over the course of your studies, you will ask how the media shape people's lives and how communication functions within businesses and other organizations. Whether you wish to pursue a career in communication or further your studies, you will be well prepared. APA. French and English. Health and wellness. Health Geography: 3 Units: ENV 4000: Honours Essay 2: 6 Units: ENV 4118: Environmental Impact Assessment: 3 Units:L'accent est mis sur les concepts reliés aux sciences infirmières ainsi que sur les rôles et responsabilités de l'infirmière et de l'infirmier en soins de santé primaires. Terms of use Privacy & cookies. The program consists of a core of basic science courses complemented by courses in various disciplines that address the scientific and societal aspects of environmental problems. 3 course units from: POL 3115, SOC 3331. Course sequences. For example, if you were admitted into your program in the fall of 2021, you. Courses 2020 Course Sequence 2020 Course Sequence Co-op 2023 Course Sequence 2023 Course sequence Co-op COOP. Sciences de la santé (HSS) Les cours suivants sont offerts par la Faculté des sciences de la santé. Academic Office, Faculty of Health Sciences 125 University Private, Room 242 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5. 0 and wish to submit a request to enrol for more than 15 course units per term, please fill out the request below. Faculty of Health Sciences keyboard_arrow_right; Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section keyboard_arrow_right;. 9 optional course units in biology (BIO), biopharmaceutical science (BPS) or environmental science (EVS), ITI. 3 optional course units in history (HIS) at the 2000-, 3000- or 4000-level. The courses begin during the Spring/Summer session. Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition. It includes field experience through study and work terms in Canada and abroad. If you look up your specific stream and then course sequence on google it will show you all the classes you take for all four years. Year. 4th year (30 units) 3 optional course units. 3 optional course units in English (ENG) at the 3000 level 4. Fall. French and English. It is the student’s responsibility to enrol to courses that meet the program requirements. and a benefit is that all the uottawa med school requirements are already in the course sequence of the program, and I’ve also heard it’s good MCAT prep. Discussion on the occurrence and health effects of environmental chemicals and case studies on environmental health issues. THM 7999 Master’s Thesis. 3 optional course units in Music (MUS) 3. Twitter | Faculty of Health Sciences Facebook | Faculty of. alp29. ERG 5743 – Atteintes à la santé mentale des adultes et approches d’intervention. NSG 5360 (1) - Roles and responsibilities of the nurse practitioner. POP 8930 Population Health Interventions (3 units) Elective (3 units) 1. It examines public management principles from various perspectives (administration, financial management, human resources, ethics, administrative reforms, governance, etc. units and resources at uOttawa. 3rd year (30 course units) 3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List A at the 3000 or 4000 level. 5853 Email: healthsc@uOttawa. HSS 2381 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Continuous Variables. Sequence 1 - all students follow this sequence. 6 elective course units. 3 optional course units in BCH, BIO, BIM, BPS, CHM, EVS, or MIC at the 3000 or 4000 level or PHS 3341, PHS 3342, PHS 4300, PHS 4336, CMM 4360 or PHA 4107. GNG 4930. ; BCH4040. Suggested course sequences - Biomedical Science. MSc in Health Systems Program Regulations. During your studies, you will apply theoretical approaches to real-world cases and learn how to use quantitative and qualitative research tools (interviews, focus groups, discourse analysis and surveys), all heavily used in the current work environment. and Canada . Faculty of Health Sciences keyboard_arrow_right; Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section keyboard_arrow_right;. Cours optionnel de science. NSG 5192 - Statistical Analysis in Nursing 2. 2 Elective course (3 units) : The elective course must be related to the student. 3 course units from: PHI1101, PHI1301. Science (General) (SCI) Science, Society and Policy (ISP) Second-Language Teaching (DLS) Social Sciences (FSS) Social Sciences (SCS) Social Sciences of Health (SSS) Social Work (SVS). Course Component: Lecture. 3 elective course units. See wait times and secure a spot in our virtual line for in-person services. More administration and services. ca. POP 9998 Comprehensive Examination. 3 optional course units in political science (POL) 1. 9 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) 4 th year (30 course units) THE3333. Enabling technologies for health care and augmented life. December 1st, 2023. In addition, the program offers three areas of specialization: conservation and biodiversity; global change; and environmental geochemistry and ecotoxicology. NSG 5350 (1) - Pathophysiology for the nurse practitioner. Year. 1st year. This field answers a need to develop expertise to create the research and training capabilities. HSS-adj2@uOttawa. 4th year (30 course units) 3 course units from: PHI4164 or PHI4312. On the following page, you will find the proposed course sequence for the Master of Science (MSc) Cellular and Molecular Medicine Specialization in Human and Molecular Genetics It is the student’s responsibility to enrol to. Its role is to support the health-care sector students, professors, researchers, professionals and supervisors who are involved in its targetted programs in three faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. Suggested course sequence 2021 (unilingual program) The minor is a component that is part of a bachelor's degree or an honors degree. ORA 6521 Aides auditives I. 150 Units. Elective NSG (3 units) 3. 1st year (30 units) BIO1109 (register to this course if 4U Biology not completed) BIO1130. After successful completion of the program. Arts Undergraduate Course Sequences. It seeks to prepare the next generation of nurses to offer quality nursing care and to assume leadership within the health care system. More administration and services. 2023-2024. BCH 4040 is highly recommended. HSS 2721 Perspectives sociopolitiques et économiques de la santé. Language of instruction: French. Any failure, withdrawal or modification of a course in this sequence could result in a delay in completing the requirements of your program. hkesap@uOttawa. 120 Units. 3rd year. Elective NSG (3 units) 3. 15 course units in equivalences for the diploma in Public Relations from Algonquin College. TMM3104. English and French are the official languages of Canada and two important international languages. 12 elective course units (Fall or Winter) BIO3142. Joint Honours in Communication and Sociology. : 613-562-5853. 3 course units from the minor 1 (mandatory or optional 1000 level course required within the requirements of the minor) SCS 2150 or 3 course units from: CMN 2101, CRM 2303, FEM 2103, POL 2156 or SOC 2111. 12 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) THE4132. The course sequence you need to follow is that of the year you first joined your program. HSS1101 WC Determinants of Health. The environmental science program, offered through the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, focuses on the integration of traditional science disciplines (e. 120 Units. Students will gain theoretical and practical training. EDU 7395 Methods of Quantitative Analysis. Cours optionnel de science. Prerequisite courses. PSY 5104 Integration Seminar in Program Evaluation (3 units) Integration of program evaluation practice, research and theory leading to a written report related to advances in program evaluation practice and theory. 3. 3. Regular hours. 6 optional course units from the Medicinal Chemistry list below (Fall or Winter) Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. ca. Why choose uOttawa; Programs and courses; Undergraduate studies; Graduate studies; Applying to uOttawa;. 6 optional. Cours optionnel de science. / In-depth examination of a question or topic linked to new trends or research areas in interdisciplinary health sciences. 3 elective course units offered by the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management. or. fss-sec@uOttawa. Nursing. Send us a request. HSS 5901 Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Health Sciences (Part 2 of 2) HSS 5902 Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Statistics in Health Sciences (Part 2 of 2) HSS 5903 Master's seminar I (Part 2 of 2) THM 7999 Master’s Thesis. Electives. Elective NSG (3 units) 3. 3 optional course units in English (ENG) from the list of courses. Does the health science program at uottawa already have the med pre reqs in it? Reply reply more reply. Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. With over 40,000 students,. ) and the processes involved in. 200 Lees Avenue, room 513. The goal is to prepare. The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a variety of programs of study adapted to the realities of today's world, both in terms of the contemporary social issues studied and how they are matched to the job market. Elective 1,2. by the academic regulations in effect for graduate studies and that the regulations have. NSG 5215 – Advanced Nursing Practice in Health Care. 4th year. East, Ottawa ONK1N 6N5 Canada. Health and wellness. Province. 1st year (30 units) CHM1311 (or CHM1301 if 4U Chemistry not completed) MAT1320. Psychology is the science specializing in the understanding of human behaviour and mental processes. Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take. Visit ‘My Academic Requirements’ in uoZone to make sure you enrol in all courses or activities required to obtain. The goal is to prepare students who, with. APA6303 Quantitative Research Methods in Sport, Physical Activity and Health. CMN3105. The program supports a client-centered approach and focuses on integrating evidence-based results from research on clinical decision-making. 1st year. They work in any number of industries. Course sequence Research areas Students in this MSc program will interact and work alongside faculty members from the School of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (ISHS), home to a wide-range of world-class research programs that span and intersect three broad fields of research: population and public health, health technologies, and integrative. Study in one of the largest Criminology departments in the world. Faculty of Health Sciences disciplines: Food and Nutrition Sciences; Food and Nutrition Sciences - Dietetics;. Co-op available by application after first year of studies. 3 optional course units in mathematics (MAT) at the 3000 or 4000 level. AMT3501. You can choose to gain experience working with local organizations. en Change Language. Search uOttawa. 4th year. APA 6109 Selected Topics: Motor Control and Learning. 2023-2024. Support uOttawa. APA 5926 Internship in Intervention and Consultation 2. It is to be completed full-time over 4 terms. (30 course units) 6 optional course units in economics (ECO) 3 course units from: ECO 3123, ECO 4111, ECO 4117. Suggested course sequence. Search one of the following. units and resources at uOttawa. Cours au choix. Total: 120 Units. NUT 2301 Nutrition Through the Life Stages. 5 Glossary of university terms 6 How to choose your prograFaculty of Health Sciences keyboard_arrow_right; Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section keyboard_arrow_right;. 125 University, room 232. Search one of the following. The major is a component that is part of a bachelor's degree or an. Biomedical Science is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the fundamentals of human structure and function, as well as those of other animals. Fall. The MPH is a course-based program with an experiential learning component (Public Health Practicum) and a culminating experience (Applied Public Health Capstone Project) which demonstrates integration and synthesis of public health skills and knowledge. OMT4127. Programs and courses. For example, if you were admitted into your program in the fall of 2021, you. 6 optional course units at the 3000- or 4000- level from the list of optional courses. BASc Biomedical Mechanical Engineering and BSc Computing Technology. 3 optional course units in communication (CMN) from one of the chosen profiles. Fall. units and resources at uOttawa.